
Invisible Drive


The Mercedes-Benz F-CELL is the first hydrogen-powered car, ready for series production. It was our task to bring attention to this environment-friendly technology and to present the innovations of Mercedes-Benz. We prepared the Mercedes-Benz F-CELL for stealth mode and let it drive through urban areas, to demonstrate – before the eyes of countless passengers – how the car is invisible for the environment.


Jung von Matt


Hamburg, Germany
Paris, France

We created

the first

invisible car

User Interaction Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression Making Of - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression Making Of - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression Making Of - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression Making Of - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion
Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion
User Interaction Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion
LED Lights - Invisible Car Promotion
User Interaction Visual Impression - Invisible Car Promotion

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