
Jean Monnet House


In collaboration with Atelier Brückner, we designed and created an interactive permanent exhibition located inside the historic Jean Monnet House near Paris, in which the pioneering spirit of the „Father of Europe“ Jean Monnet is brought to life. Through several multimedia exhibits, the museum invites visitors to discover how Jean Monnet has shaped the EU until this day and how the work of the EU institutions affects the lives of all EU citizens.


European Parliament

Markenfilm SPACE

Atelier Brückner


Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France

Type of exhibition:
Permanent exhibition/visitors centre


An interactive dialogue between past and present:

One of the highlights of the exhibition is the “Perspective” dialogue table in which users are invited to engage with key statements made by Jean Monnet in the past resulting in interactive dialogues. This enables users to compare Jean Monnet’s visions of the past with the present-day.

The station circles around five key topics, each of them represented by interactive relief objects, which allow the users to access a dialogue expressed by a life-sized Jean Monnet figure. Touch sensors register which of the relief objects is pressed, allowing the users to freely interact with the station. The content is directly projected onto a round table with 1,5 meter diameter by one 4K projector installed above the table.


„Review“ timeline table:

With the “Review” timeline table visitors are able to explore Jean Monnet’s life and position him among the founding fathers of the EU. The station displays Jean Monnets biography in 15 major milestones of his life through a haptic timeline presented onto a large 32:9 wide screen. Under each of the 15 dates printed beneath the screen, an invisible proximity button is hidden, indicated by a slighlty shining LED. By hovering over the printed dates, the table magically comes to life and the corresponding milestones opens. Users are able to freely interact with the screen through an interactive touch foil which is attached to the complete table, allowing single and multi-user interactivity.


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