A multimedia experience for the European Parliament in Brussels on 5,400 m2 with two 360° cinemas, more than 100 videos and 300 interactive multimedia installations — Visitors can explore the world of the parliament and interactively understand its background of political acting. Using a multimedia guide, users actively participate in the exhibition while experiencing Europe and its history. Based on a media concept of JangledNerves, Atelier Brückner Stuttgart and intégral ruedi baur Berlin, we produced interactive systems and media content in 24 languages.
European Parliament
Atelier Brueckner
2008 – 2020
Brussels, Belgium
24 Languages
Providing access to the exhibition in all 24 official EU languages challenged us in many ways, be it design, content, or software. Text lengths differ extremely and screen designs and film lengths have to take this into account. Our editorial team of writers, journalists, and historians developed all media content shown in the exhibition. In order to manage the huge amount of text including later updates – the „Treaty Table“ texts alone contain up to 40,000 words per language – we developed a special CMS that provides a smart overview of all media content.
Software & Media Management
We produced a large number of touch screen software, apps for mobile trolleys, video playback for 3D voxel installations, and a special web-based multimedia CMS. We also developed and programmed file management software to support our internal media management, which enabled us to automatically handle all 120,000 work files.
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