
ECB Visitor Centre


Since 2021, SPACE has been the lead agency for the European Central Bank’s Visitor Centre. Our main mission is to give a fresh start to the Visitor Centre, which has existed since 2017. A comprehensive analysis by SPACE revealed the need for a completely new exhibition that truly reflects the ECB’s mission, its work and its impact on our daily lives. We are currently in the concept stage. A team from SPACE, in collaboration with external experts, is developing an innovative and state-of-the-art concept for the Visitor Centre that represents the ECB in all its dimensions. In this initial step, we are developing the overall vision, the architectural principles, the narrative structure and the highlight exhibits that will guide visitors through the exhibition space.

Our main objective is to create a space that reflects the ECB’s values and reputation. A Visitor Centre that every employee of the Bank can be proud of and that effectively communicates the ECB’s messages to our visitors in an interactive and modern way.

European Central Bank

Markenfilm Space

Since 2021

Frankfurt am Main

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