

We design and orchestrate experiences: AR/VR/XR, media installations, apps, and simulation games. In digital space, haptic space, virtual space — and everywhere in-between.

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SPACE is the interactive studio of Markenfilm Group: Our mission is to help our clients tell their story — in concept, design, tech & code, and roll-out. We love going where no blueprint exists, hands-on with a creative production focus. All for meaningful and strong experiences.



We are proud to consult great commercial brands and public institutions.

VR / AR / XR

immersive narratives — virtual experiences — mixed reality — 3D environments — 360° productions

UX Design

creative concept — art direction — interface design — web design — data visualization & generative design — accessibility design

Interactive Installations

media installations — digital exhibition design — projection mapping — digital experiences — multi-user experiences — social media integration

Emerging Technology

digital lab & experimentation — innovation reports — tech prototyping — robots

Software & apps

programming: backend, frontend — deep learning  frameworks — mobile applications — websites and CMS

Behind the scenes

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